- Trevi Fountain - Rome
- Scrovegni Chapel - Padua
- Palatine Hill - Rome
- Arch of Septimius Severus - Rome
- Red Monastery - Egypt
- Church of Santi Andrea e Claudio dei Borgognoni - Rome
- Basilica Ulpia in the Trajan's Forum - Rome
- Colossi of Memnon, Luxor – Egypt
- Church of San Pietro - Tuscania (VT)
- Hercules statue in the Galleria Borghese Museum - Rome
- Shrine of Ikhwat Yusuf, Cairo – Egypt
- White Monastery - Egypt
- White Monastery archaeological areas - Egypt
- Church of Sant'Eusebio - Rome
- Galleria Colonna - Rome
- Basilica Ulpia in the Trajan's Forum - Rome
- Church of Santi Andrea e Claudio dei Borgognoni - Rome
- San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane complex - Rome
- Palazzo Nardini - Rome
- Church of Santi Andrea e Claudio dei Borgognoni - Rome
- Ex INPS Palace in Piazza Augusto Imperatore - Rome
- Christ deposed in the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo - Pisa
- San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane complex - Rome
- Temple of Hercules and temple of the Round Altar - Ostia Antica (RM)
- Gracanica Monastery - Kosovo
- Basilica Ulpia in the Trajan's Forum - Rome
- Temple of Magna Mater on the Palatine Hill - Rome
- Basilica Ulpia in the Trajan's Forum - Rome
- Arch of Janus - Rome
- White Monastery - Egypt
- Bojani Monastery - Serbia
- Church of San Salvatore after the earthquake - Campi di Norcia (PG)
- Maccarani Stati Palace - Rome
- Arch of Janus - Rome
- Arch of Janus - Roma
- Galleria Colonna - Rome
- Cyrus the Great tomb - Iran
- Gate of Karl VI - Belgrade - Serbia
- San Michele a Ripa Grande complex - Rome
- San Michele a Ripa Grande complex - Rome
- Gracanica Monastery - Kosovo
- Gracanica Monastery - Kosovo
- Gracanica Monastery - Kosovo
- Decani Monastery - Kosovo
- Erbil Citadel - Iraq
C.P.T. Studio provides services for Cultural Heritage conservation and enhancement such as survey, documentation and 3D modeling of historical architecture and archaeological sites.
The consolidated national and international work experience of our technicians together with the use of the most advanced technologies and the constant research activity allow us to provide our clients with optimal solutions, guaranteeing the best results in terms of quality, costs and working time.